Our Product Photo Retouching Services
Nowadays, one among the vital aspects of any online profile is the quality of the appearance. A badly presented website with low resolution or blurry images will not offer much confidence to the first time clients browsing a website. Thus, your business website, which deals with your merchandise and services, should have the most professional appearance possible. This will draw the attention and mind of your customers.
At The Photo Retouching, we offer professional product photo retouching services to give your brands an awesome first expression. Our image editing services Include:

Color and Exposure Correction
When a photographer looks at his pictures, he wants them as close to the original scene as possible. This is most of the times is not under his control due to reasons like inadequate lighting, camera settings and various other factors. When it comes to product photo retouching, we use advanced editing techniques and software’s to enhance the color, remove tints and fix the exposure of an image nondestructively.

Removal of unwanted elements like dust, wires, odd reflections, fingerprints etc.
The next step after fixing the Color and exposure of an image is to remove the various unwanted elements present around the indoor studios and outdoor scenes. These may include wires, dust, fingerprints on the product, harsh reflections etc to give your product a premium feel.

Shadow or Reflection Creation
However good the lighting, sometimes products don’t get a good enough shadow or reflection which is critical when it comes to look of a product. Our Product Retouchers understand this and the concept of lighting to recreate an accurate and good looking reflection and shadow of your product.

Resizing and Image Sharpening
There are the variety of E-Commerce websites these days and each have required a different crop size for best viewing online. We maximize focus on your products while resizing and make sure there is not much empty space around it. Also, to give the product a crisp and premium look images are optimally sharpened using various Product Image Retouching techniques to maximize the details.

Hollow- man effect for Clothing Products
If the clothing products are shot with interior shots on the dummies, Our product photo editors can remove the dummy and replace it with the interior shot to give it a 3-D look which is often called Hollow-man effect inspired by the Hollywood movie Hollow-Man.

Our Product Photo Retouching services also include reshaping of products photos, especially clothing, where we remove the bumps align the shoulders and fix any camera distortions.